DoubleDomination Tour Dates

Good Afternoon, It feels like quite some time since Mistress blessed you with her news page, and well it has been since the beginning of this great new year. It has been quite the whirl wind, you would think it would be quiet in January but quite the opposite it… Read more“DoubleDomination Tour Dates”

Happy New Year and lets get ready for 2018

Good Evening all Well its been quite the year and now its time to say goodbye and welcome in a hopefully better new year I hope that 2018 has everything I am hoping for, and makes 2017 look like a distant memory. As much as 2017 has been ok, I… Read more“Happy New Year and lets get ready for 2018”

Christmas is HERE

Good afternoon all Well it’s that time of year again So I would like to wish every one of you a Kinky Happy Christmas. Its been quite the year ups and downs and so on, but its Christmas and time to celebrate. There will be no doubt lots of kinky… Read more“Christmas is HERE”

Leeds Dungeon Xmas Kinky Bash

Good Afternoon all, Xmas Kinky Bash Well its that time of year again when everyone comes together and celebrates and has some kinky fun. Mistress Davina is holding yet again one of her very popular kinky Xmas Bash. The bash will be held at the Leeds Chambers on the 16th of… Read more“Leeds Dungeon Xmas Kinky Bash”

Double Domination in Leeds

Good evening all, Domina Liza & Mistress Athena  This is going to be a short and sweet news page, as I said on my previous blog I will not be adding much on here, just availability and up and coming Domination sessions ect. All my great photos are know on… Read more“Double Domination in Leeds”

OWK News & Changes to my Content

Good Evening all OWK News & Changes to my Content You have sat and waited patiently for my news page, well not all of you as I have received emails asking when I will be posting again, inpatient buggers which will see you over my knee if you carry… Read more“OWK News & Changes to my Content”


Good Morning, Yet again another late news page, I can not tell you how many subs/slaves ask why my news pages are taking so long, well first of there is not a time limit on them and I can choose to write one or not, however I do enjoy bringing… Read more“DOUBLE DOMINATION & FILMING”

A Week in the Life of Mistress Athena

Good Evening, and Finally I get to write a news page Its been a turbulent 2 weeks  in Mistress Athena life, so much to tell and not enough time. Every one presumes a Mistresses life runs smooth, and well I suppose that is what many would want you to believe… Read more“A Week in the Life of Mistress Athena”

Foot Slave

Good Evening all, Mistress is writing this news page from a very awkward position, my arm is cramping as I have moved my desktop into another room in the house, which is know my new office space, but due to everything not being set up correctly yet I am finding… Read more“Foot Slave”

Inside Mistress Athena’s REALM

Good Evening, I know I know you have been patiently waiting for this news page, and I suppose that is all part of it, I keep you waiting as long as I want because I am the Mistress and you all do as I say, well lets hope you all… Read more“Inside Mistress Athena’s REALM”