Bloody Hell this is getting quite a habit,but i do not have the time at the moment to get a blog up any earlier,
This will be short and sweet as i have only been home from the chambers an hour,its been a long session,and very sadistic on my part,with my slave, whom i keep pushing and pushing,so i will upload a couple of pictures he has just emailed me over and then tell you about the session tomorrow.
It was however mind blowing as they normally are,i love trying new things,and getting very artistic with my ropes and tools.
I have uploaded a new film today 1 2 3 and your out….Ball Busting,hope you enjoy.
I have a few little projects on the go,so i am quite excited about these,now as far as sessions go,im out Horse Riding in the Morning,then i am out for Lunch,but i may have appointments available in the evening,so the only thing you can do is call and see,if i have the availability i will see you.
Now Night all,and i will give you an update of tonight’s session tomorrow,so do check back……
Leeds Mistress Athena Huddersfield Mistress Athena Femme Fatale Of The Forbidden