Good Afternoon,my little rays of sun lol,
Well Mistress is in a very good mood today,after the fresh air in my face earlier when i was out riding,there is nothing more free and it gives me a fantastic feeling,so Mistress is very happy today.
Now you will have seen the pictures i uploaded from last nights session,well all i can say was fun fun…….
Myself and my Slave Masochistic was up to a lot of new things,the ball crusher was on,and then once in position,i tied each ball very tightly with some strong heavy-duty string,and spread them apart,and stretching one to each side of the rack,I know sounds complicated,but it was not,it was just ME doing my artistic things.
He was bound with leather around his elbows,and then attached with ropes,his thumbs was bound with cable ties,and secured tightly to a steel bar under my rack,his ankles was cuffed and attached with spreader bars,and his head was forced down with more ropes,it was a very interesting session,and the end product was amazing,we both had lots of fun as usual,but the whole storie of the session is kept between myself and my slave.
I have been for the last hour talking with my film guy,and he has just sent me through one of my clips in HD so i am going to take a look and then i will decide if i will start to put them out in High Definition,we shall see,i have just finished editing some more films,and i have lots more for you.
Also isn’t it great when someone you no is a welder hurrah,i am just having some new pieces of equipment made as i type,they will be ready in a week and a half,this is the time scale he has given me,so i am very excited,my Padded Cell at last.
My big Photo and Filming Shoot on Sunday the 18th of March is no longer in need of filming slaves,i have all i need but thank you all for the calls and emails.
New Clip has been added Drink My Golden Nectar ………
Huddersfield Mistress Athena
Leeds Mistress Athena