Very Tired Mistress But Very Happy Mistress

Good evening all,my loyal and humble slaves and followers,

Today has been very rewarding in London,i had a fantastic time and met some great new people,which i will tell you all about another time.

I got to wear some of my new rubber,not all but some,and when the pictures arrive you will see them,today saw me doing what i do best,playing in the art of BDSM,and making my mark,as we all know I like to leave one,lol [across your behinds],but all in all it was a very productive day,and i enjoyed myself a lot.

As some of you may already know,i have a few Mistress Friends in the USA,and they have formed a group for Mistresses,they call it the sister-hood,which i thought was a great idea,like-minded femDoms getting together and discussing ideas between one another, learning of each other,because i know as well as every other experienced FemDoms ,that you will never no everything in the art of BDSM,there is always something new to learn,so by speaking to each other and talking amongst one another is a great idea,as i am always up for learning more,so i am now amongst the sister-hood.

I am shall i say very tired,and bloody hell congestion charges in London is a bloody joke,so i will not be writing a long blog this evening as i need my bed,the hotel bed last night was comfy but its nothing like your own bed,with your own sheets and comforts.

I am back in Manchester first thing tomorrow,and then i have some other things to catch up on,tomorrow evening is also out as i have a very long session ahead of me,so if you would like to see me,then Sunday is looking like your best bet right now,and i am horse riding Sunday morning,so it would be later in the day,Mistress needs to keep these legs strong for Busting Balls,and riding is one of my passions,so i kill two birds with one stone.

So Happy Lady’s Day to all the Mistresses out there,keep doing what you’re doing xoxo

My new clip has been uploaded this evening Home Of The Forbidden Part 2
Time for my bed so Night All Mistress Athena