Good Morning all,
Well its morning at the moment but i am going out up to the stables then on a hack so it may well be afternoon before you are all reading my blog.
And since 6am this morning my bloody phone has not stopped ruining eager or what and not the same person neither,im wondering if everyone went out last night and decided they would all like a playtime with Mistress Athena in the morning,so just for further reference i do not answer calls before 7.30am.
My slave New York/cock tease well well as he lives over the waters and in the big apple i do not get to play with him as much we both would like,but when he comes its always nice to see him and start humiliating him and see him blush.
He came on Wednesday for 2 days but on Thursday he had to leave to London due to unforeseeable circumstances which was very sad for him as he had waited months to be able to see me again,but never mind we have fixed another date in summer,and fingers crossed i shall be attending a fetish event in New York with him in December,if my schedules allows,so i am excited about this.
We did have fun whilst he was here and played so it was worth the time he spent in my presence.
I have lots to tell but will save for another day.
Yesterday I filmed at the fantastic Mistress Emeralds dungeon in East Midlands and i must say I have never met in person Mistress Emerald before but what a nice lovely Lady ,always smiling and so polite and very welcoming,and her place is amazing,so if you are in that neck of the woods i strongly advise a visit
So blog was left as i have been out riding Mistress was filthy and i added a picture of my filthy boots and jodhpurs to my twitter account,its been a great hack and the fresh air has done me the world of good.
I will now relax before heading up to the chambers for some playtime.
Clip that has gone live today is for all you boot licking lovers that request them all the time,muddy boot worship.
Mistress Athena 07990761324
Available at the Huddersfield /Leeds Chambers