Good evening all
Its been one hell of a week and its still not over yet.
My loyal puppets have been rearing there heads as they should,but stay seen and not heard,and then they was long forgotten about subs who have come crawling back out of the wood work,and last but not least my new puppets.
All in all its been eventful and so much fun,i don’t really no where to start.
Well i will start with stopping writing this blog for a moment whilst i go and jump in the shower,as i have just left the stables where i have been grooming for the last hour or so,so i am in need of a shower,be back with you soon.
There fresh as a daisy,so title Lick from my Boots,there has been alot of this going on with different pairs of Mistresses Boots.
Lets talk about slave filthy beaver,a new puppet for Mistress to play with,powerful woman is what he submits too,Catsuit and thigh high Boots,Verbally strong just as i am,anyone who has ever had the privilege of being allowed to kneel before me,will know that my mouth is sharper than a box of needles,and i am a very very verbal Mistress,and my new slave likes this.
Rope Bondage was introduced with plugs,so very tight as restriction is key, Humiliation verbal and physical and much much more.
Now boots i have many and i had my pvc crocodile thigh high with steel heels,which sends slaves crazy begging and pleading the reward and honour of worshipping them,some get there wish others must work harder,and what ever is on them or landed on them must be licked of in nano seconds.
Slave filthy beaver got the humiliating honour of licking the filth of my boots every last bit,whilst i verbally instructed and watched over with my sharp eye,not missing anything.
Mistress has lots of stories to share as always but they will come just not today greedy little shits.
I forgot on my last blog to say thank you to the subs who filmed with me last week,and i just wanted to say it was a pleasure and you made Mistress proud.
I have purchased a 4ft Sjambok and i can not wait to play with it,it will be added to the rest of my ever growing collection.
I will be visiting Mistress Reals Chambers next week in Wales,i am looking forward to this,always fun when we get together.
Clips gone live are
Ultimate Humiliation
Full Punishment Part 1
Double Humiliation
Blocked Air Passage Breath Play,i will be uploading more over the weekend.
I shall be visiting Mistress Davina tomorrow at her Leeds Chambers and do not have any playtimes available.
I shall be available from Saturday the 23rd March until the 29th March,then again from the 01st April 2013 07990761324
My wish list for anyone wanting to score Mistress points,just click on an item and pay, that’s all you need to do,it will be sent on to me,make Mistress happy and all you pay piggys out there get you hand in your wallet amd show your devotion to Mistress
And if your sat at home wanking over Mistress pictures then its time to start paying wank tax ,wishlist wanker boys.
Mistress Athena
Huddersfield/Leeds Dominatrix