Slave Masochist in West Yorkshire

Good Morning all,

Slave Masochist in West Yorkshire

Well it 5 days to Mistresses Birthday im not excited about getting another year older however I am excited about my Birthday, to gift me click the link below.

Mistress took the day to herself Yesterday as I was a little bit ill, maybe its all the travelling and not enough rest but I was quite unwell yesterday, but now I have had some rest I am feeling fine.

I will be available all week from 10 am until late apart from Sunday the 13th which is my Birthday, then back again on Monday the 14th.

So slave Masochist was into play and due to us not being able to catch one another its been a while, but the play was defiantly worth it, we could of gone back and started at the basics and rebuilt but instead we opted for hard core sadistic play.


Weights, and skewers, sounds and electrics, A play and sewing bondage the whole 9 yards and what fun was had, its always edge play and I mean on the edge when we get together but always very rewarding.



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Mistress Athena 07990761324