Lots of News

Good afternoon all,

Mistress has been somewhat absent of late, On here and also in the Dungeon.



I have been taking subs in on the days Mistress has felt up to it.

Mistress has been suffering with what started as bronchitis then just lingered and  after 3 courses of antibiotics and a course of steroids, 3 doctors appointments and a hospital admittance, I can say my chest is know back to normal but I have suffered some other ways due to the infection.

I have had another trip to the doctors this morning and a hospital trip to have my bloods done, Hopefully I will have a full clean bill of health, I have nothing contagious just I think personally have been run down due to the Bronchitis, And know I have been feeling a little weak and low in myself which has seen me hit and miss in the dungeon and also not writing blogs ect.

I think my dog dying hit me harder than I would admit and it lead to all these different ailments.

I would like to say know I am back woop woop.

I will be in the dungeon tomorrow but not Wednesday and then again for the rest of the week.

You may call or email for a session same day bookings from know until xmas  will be taking depending on availability.

I will up load some pictures from a couple of sessions I did manage.

I also got myself back to filming over the weekend and the films will be on each day from today on my clip store.



I am touring in Wales Newport at the Brilliant Stunning Mistress Real Dungeon on the 16th of December Xmas Treat for you all.

You may contact me via email or telephone if you would like a session, I am also able to offer Double Dom sessions on this day.

I am still deciding weather I shall be offering sessions in London on the 17th this will be confirmed shortly .

I have uploaded some new items to my wish list Xmas List if you would like on Amazon







My Clip Store below

New Films include Caning, Mummification, Breath Play, Leather Fetish, Smoking, Human Ashtray Predicament Bondage, Plus More Enjoy


Look Forward to paying with my subs new and old very soon Mistress Athena xoxox