Another Blog for you lucky subs,
This is the blog i was supposed to write last night but i was so shattered it was not going to happen.
I had the pleasure whilst in London meeting the magnificent Mistress Eleise De Lacey,the star of the Femme Fatale Films and wow what can i say,she is every much as striking in real life as she is in her films,and she is so softly spoken but you can tell from the very instance that she is a no nonsense Mistress.
I also had the pleasure of meeting Steve who is the owner of the Red Spot Studios,and one dam good videographer,he makes amazing films,and is a really nice guy.
So with this said my only thing is why did i not go and make films down there any sooner,answer….as many of you no i have been making clips for several years now,its nothing new to me,its just that i have been so busy amd it as always been hard for me with commitments here in Huddersfield to just get up and go,but now that has changed as i have nobody depending on me anymore,and now i am free as a bird to travel where ever when ever.
Everyone who knows me knows that family are the most important thing to me,and that’s why they had to come first,but things are different now,and i am going to make great use of all this free time i have and film alot more,the only regret i have is not making the trip alot sooner,but hey ho i have now and i had an amazing time.
You must all take a look at the site and you will see a preveiw of one of the films,you will also see other amazing Mistresses in action,its a first class BDSM Film Site,and not one to be missed.
I have already planned my next visit with them for next month,and i am really looking forward to it.
I will upload some pictures with this blog for you all from the shoot so do enjoy Mistress Athena