Good Evening,my loyal and humble slaves and followers,
Mistress did not get the time yesterday to write a blog,i was so busy as i was filming all day in North Yorkshire,which was quite an eventful day to say the least, i would just like to say thank you to all,my filming subs.
I did however get some great footage and with my site being in the process of a big revamp i am wanting lots of new footage to bring you all,and also new gallery’s,so at the moment its all hands on deck,and i am loving every minute of it,even tho i do not get as much rest as one would like.
I have a few breaks,fetish breaks coming up,and also some well deserved holiday time,but i will let you no when they are as i would not want you al missing your Mistress for two long.
Today was my house boys birthday,and we went out for an Italian,myself,slave T,slave Pool,and slave Maj and of course the house boy,it was a lovely evening and the food was great,i even had the
waitress serenading him which he really enjoyed,afterwards it was back at the chambers for a session with two of the slaves,Mistress dressed in full leather and administrating a heavy cp session.
I am available all this week in either the Leeds Chambers or my Huddersfield Chambers,i will not however be available on Saturday as i am filming in the day,and away in the evening,where i will be attending a TV night,should be fun.
Now Mistress Kitty Bliss is in my neck of the woods on the 28/29th of April,and we will be filming together,i will give you all her details on a blog tomorrow,but i no she will be available for sessions in either Leeds or Huddersfield Chambers,she is one not to be missed.
Mistress has just ordered some new toys,very excited,but these are not for the faint hearted.
I have uploaded a new film…..Detention With Miss Powers ,School Room Correction so enjoy,i do also have some pictures but i have not yet had the time to get them onto the computer.
Mistress will be putting up a new gallery very soon for all you lucky subs,it will be on my blog when its live.
Huddersfield Mistress Athena Leeds Mistress Athena