Good evening my little puppets,
Mistress is going to give you a insight into one of her days of her life………
Today no different from any other,up at 7am, coffee,feed Miss Daisy Duke,then out for a walk,love the fresh air on a morning really wakes me up,then its back home and time to jump in the shower.
Once fresh and looking good,its of either to the chambers for sessions, whether that be in the Leeds Chambers or in my Huddersfield Chambers,every day is different,or the alternative is i will be filming,as i was today,and i no i said i would still be taking in slaves for session,but i had to turn a few of you away today,it was just not doable i am afraid,and i do not want to hurry sessions that is not what i am about,nor will ever be about.
So then,maybe i will grab a wrap for my lunch,as carbs have been cut out now for a while,lol and will be until i shift these extra 1lbs and tone up,and then it will be pretty much the same until i get home.
Once Home its back out with Miss Daisy,unless i have had one of my loyal subs looking after her,or had some one out walking her,then maybe i might just get five minutes to myself.
Early evening is normally spent,going back and fourth either by email or by telephone with my Videographer x 2,and editing films,replying to emails[and i have thousands so i will get back to you],writing my blogs, updating the list is endless,hence the reason why its always late when i get the blogs to you.
Today was very interesting,i had two calls both from subs who i have not seen since working in the Manchester Dungeon several years ago,now the first one i wasn’t so sure about,but then i remembered him after a short conversation and the other just had to tell me about one session we had had together which was very memorable and i knew straight away who it was,he is coming over on Tuesday for the afternoon for a long play time,really strange how after all this time and both at the same time,but very pleasing at the same time.
I have uploaded new clip to my sites ……Officer Powers Gives Out Her Own Punishment,its CP and i hope you enjoy.
So my little puppets i will be back tomorrow with more updates for you all M Athena xoxox