Clear Out

Good Evening all,my loyal and humble slaves and followers,

I Mistress Athena have spent most of the day getting all my books together for the 2011 year,receipts and all the rest,i just thought get it out of the way and then i don’t have the mad rush as i did this year.
Then it was out to pay the bills all the mundane things one must do,getting everything in order,and then of to the chambers for a big spring clean and a clear out.

I have been getting rid of all the things i have got over the years that i don’t need,or use that are no good to me,and have made some room for my new furniture,and as i have quite an addiction to buying things on-line,i was starting to have no where to put things,so everything is shipshape and wonderful,so now my brain which is constantly on the go,with one thing and another is now free from clutter,and i can slow down a little.

I am filming tomorrow and one of my slaves has been asking over and over again for a certain film,so i will reward him tomorrow with it,the lucky bugger,i will however be available for sessions also,in either the Leeds Chambers or the Huddersfield Chambers,as the filming is only for a maximum of three hours.

Mistress Davina kindly sent me over a picture of the new study as i had not seen the end result,and i must say wow amazing,i cannot wait to get you naughty school boys in there for some good old fashioned correction.

New clip added today to my clip store Come Here and Worship My Over The Knee Leather Boots POV

I will have to Love you and Leave all you kinky little things now,as i can see my pet pooch heading of down the hall way with my running trainers lol Night All Mistress Athena xoxox
Huddersfield Mistress Athena
Leeds Mistress Athena No 52 & Slave Lullaby i have saved a pile of ironing for the pair of you…….