Good Evening all
Well how are we doing ????
It’s the first chance I have got to sit down and write a news page, and I do enjoy bringing you my news even if it is late, but that should never be a problem as Mistress can be as late as she likes
Lets first get out-of-the-way my days when I am available for play over the next two weeks.
I am available each day this week apart from Sunday, Friday night will be my late night.
Next week I will not be available on the Tuesday the 14th and Sunday the 19th.
If you would like to come in for a session then do call or email, please do not text as I will not reply they will just be deleted.
If you follow my news page you will be aware that my friend died and it will be there funeral on Tuesday the 14th this is why I shale not be available to play.
I have also been away for 5 days and got back into the UK on Sunday morning.
The break was just what I needed and I had a great time.
I feel refreshed and ready for some serious action in the dungeon.
Now the title of the news page is called Would You Rather.
Whilst I was away someone was filming this for a new show and asked if I would like to take part, and of course I did, it was really funny and having played this game before with friends its always fun.
The show will be aired in June/July next year and I will let you all know when it’s on so you can watch Mistress.
So I thought why not ask you all a question on Would you Rather.
I will be doing the question on here but also a poll on twitter.
The only problem with twitter is that yo are only allowed so many words and my questions I think will need more.
So the game goes like this……..
Would you Rather ;;;; Be punished for something you have not done or Be punished because your Mistress just feels in the mood to punish you that day ????
SECOND QUESTION ;;;;;;; Visit a beautiful Mistress whom is not that good or Visit a Mistress who is as not as attractive but extremely good ?????
Third Question :::::::::: Crawl around in public behind your Mistress in a very public place or take 50 kicks from a Mistress in your balls.
All answers can be sent to my email address at
I have uploaded new films to my clip store so do take a look.
There is a picture of me on my break also on this news page.
My wishlist has not budged Mistress points will be dropping son tut tut .
Have a great evening and spank you soon.
Mistress Athena aka TAMER OF men