Good Afternoon all my Loyal and wonderful Subs/sissy’s/slaves & Followers
This weekend has been somewhat of a roller-coaster,but im feeling much better today.
I lost a dear friend of mine on Friday who passed threw the dreaded Cancer so it was quite an emotional day,then yesterday i was at the Huddersfield Chambers and i started to feel dizzy and sick and had to cancel my playtime,it must of been a 24 hour bug as i feel fine today luckily,so its been a weekend of gloom.
So travelling Mistress it seems to be of late i am getting requests for quite alot of out-calls, which i do not mind at all,its great sometimes to have a different setting and meeting more subs from far and wide.
I will travel internationally also,you must email for details if you would like Mistress to visit you.
I was in Blackburn on Thursday evening with a sub of mine foot feeler and he had purchased me a gold toe ring which is beautiful i have not took it of since,i will take a picture and upload for you,i also have pictures from the session which i will add another time,foot feeler is very very loyal and has me high on a pedestal which he should,there is a respect there and respect is a must for any sub/dom relationship to prosper.
I was also on a out-call with London sub,who was very much into scarf’s and bondage restraints,and verbal abuse so of course this type of play edges into my Abduction scenarios so i was in my element.
I am back playing tomorrow 10 am until late 07990761324
The clips that have gone live are
Goddess Worship POV
Impress your Mistress CP
Outside Human Ashtray
Mistress Athena UK Dominatrix