Good Evening all my loyal and humble slaves and followers,
Mistress has been wickedly playing inside her Chamber walls,and tormenting some very eager to please subs.
I love to be wicked but with a smile and i have words that can turn the naughtiest of players insides out,controlling comes natural to me,and when i turn up my wicked tormenting ways its just pure bliss,and the sound inside the chamber walls is so quiet,with just subs eyes starring at me,wondering what i will say and do next.
So dressed from head to toe in Latex,and walking around so that the only sound my sub could hear was my heels on the wooden floor,was so intense as he had been put into leather bondage and restrained to the wall,and the only area of his body he had free was his head,and them ever so scared eyes was looking and almost speaking to me with fear,i then began to laugh and taunt him and ridicule him,i mean this was all he deserved,not doing as one was told once is bad enough,but twice no there is no room for this behaviour inside my chambers and indeed never in front of me.
My new sub is called fear and that is where i took him and that is now no where he will always be,in fear of his Mistress and knowing that he must always be seen and not heard and never ever must he wait to be asked twice.
Mistress has uploaded a new Human Ashtray Clip for you all to my clipstore.
I am available tomorrow but have no availability then until Monday the 13th August,so for playtime from this date, you may call on 07990761324
I would also like to that Caroline again as my dress is bloody beautiful,fits like a glove and the colour is amazing.
Huddersfield and Leeds Dominatrix Mistress Athena