Good Morning,all my loyal and humble slaves and followers,
Well i said i would get back to you with a second blog last night but that wasn’t to be,as it was late when i left the chambers,i went and picked upa take out,[naught Mistress as i am trying to shed a little more weight ],and then i was just tired out,so it was of up the wooden to bed.
Well yesterday saw the start of the day,with slave lullaby coming and bringing me my Morning Lattie,he was dressed in his Maids Attire and put straight to work with the big pile of ironing i had,then i spent the morning on line catching up and sorting through emails,which i still have not finished.
I then bundled him into the car and it was of to cathouse to see Caroline,i must stress she is one amazing designer of fetish wear,i went over as i had to be measured up for my new latex catsuit,Caroline has made me clothes before including a latex catsuit,but i have lost a couple of 1bs and it needed to be done again.
I am so excited at what she is making me,and the colour is fantastic and well worth the Money,because you cannot put a price on these type of garments,i am also being made another outfit,but i will not tell i will wait for you all to see,but it is sexy as hell.
So i had my Maid Slave Lullaby stood in his maid outfit in cathouse,he was like a display which was rather amusing,considering it was Caroline who made the Maids outfit also,and we got chatting and we was talking about facebook,and she said she had seen a picture of an outfit she had made me recently on there and was singing my praises so sweet,and for some reason i said i had a strange feeling that my site would be dropped,and low and behold by the time i had got home,my facebook site was gone.
Now this is the 5th time i have had it dropped,and i have had 1000 and 1000 of friends on there,so i will not let this happen again so i will just be opening a group page,there is so much jealousy out there its quite ridiculous,but its just a page and i have been around a hell of along time and i don’t intend on going no where,i mean what would all you subs do without you Mistress.
So after a day with Slave Lullaby who can i say only incurred one punishment a otk spanking due to his go slow attitude,he did ever so well and i was pleased with him.
I then spent the remainder of the day sorting through vanilla things,then as i said last night it was of to the Chambers to see slave wifey,and he turned up with a pair of his wifes soiled underwear that he had stolen from the laundry basket,so for this he was ridiculed and punished.
I played in the breath play area with him for a while using my rubber breath control bag,and he sure as hell knew that i had all the control that one could ever posses.
We had an amazing session as i do every time i play,i make it my dutie to explore new things and take the session into the unknown,but with care.
I am awaiting slave 52 now,so we shall see what today brings,and then i am in the Leeds Chambers Of Depravation this evening,and i do have availability,so if you would like to come in for play time then do call me on 07990761324 M Athena
Huddersfield Mistress Athena Leeds Mistress Athena