Poem By Slave Trems…..

This is a poem i was given for my birthday of one of my Loyal and Dedicated slaves Trems,whom has been with me for several years Thank You.

Homage To Mistress

All over the world Mistress rule,

Each as special as can be,

I am one of the luckiest slaves,

Mistress Athena has choosen me.


I have no wish to protest,

To shout out or complain,

When Mistress takes her pleasure,

I’ll gladly take the pain.


Her dressage whip may stay unused,

But when it is in her hand,

Mistresses lashes will cut and sting,

Where ever they may land.


See’ll punish and correct when she will,

I obey every command,

What ever torment Mistress Chooses,

Stock still,the slave must stand.


When my Mistress beats me,

To improve or change my ways,

I hope that she will keep me,

A slave for all my days.


If my devotion falters,

Or i  inappropriately think,

I may be drenched in golden showers,

Or even made to drink.


But if  i’ve  earned a special treat,

Mistress appears in uniform clad,

Her face Her voice Her Powers!

Enough to drive slave quite mad.


Cowering at my Mistresses feet,

She,controlling from above,

I know the delight throughout my soul,

Complete submissive Love!

What a wonderful poem,from a wonderful devotee……….

Mistress is editing a new batch of clips and wow are they the business,they will go live every day from tomorrow,and i will be back to tell all about my Key holding….[chastity slave]

Huddersfield and Leeds Dominatrix Mistress Athena