Good evening,all my Loyal and humble Slaves and followers,
Mistress has been doing something else that she loves today and that is being pampered and going shopping,i did set out today to buy a new wardrobe for my ever growing clothes for play at the chambers,as i do not have enough room at the moment to store it all,but i ended up buying a unit for my home and a table,i just could not find the right wardrobe that i liked,but not to worry i am sure i will come across the right one,next time i get a free day to indulge.
I did however buy 3 new outfits to go along with the rest for my photo shoot in Leeds on Friday,which i am really looking forward to,have some great ideas and i hope they turn out like the way i in vision them,fingers crossed,and also i cannot wait to show you all my collection of clothes and shoes.
I did say i would not buy myself any more vanilla clothing at the moment but of course Mistress could not help herself and did now i do not have room at my home neither,i have added some bikinis to my Amazon wish list which you can find on my wish list page,so do purchase and send them me,as Mistress will give you points,as i need new ones for my upcoming holiday,excited Mistress,i will let you all no in due time the dates i will not be here,as yet you do not need to no.
Even tho i have a photo shoot in Leeds on Friday i will still be sessioning but only in Leeds that day,so if you would like to come in and play then do call on 07990761324.
As i said yesterday on the blog i had some wonderful shoes bought for me,and would just like to say again thank-you they are beautiful,so i took some pictures in them and i will post them for all with this blog.
They will be new clips going up everyday and i have done a few in HD which look amazing,the shake up with Google at the moment has seen my site drop,however it has not effected me,but i have my team working on this at the moment.
So Good Night and God Bless Mistress Athena xoxox