Good evening,or is it morning,confused with lack of sleep,lol,no just kidding,
Well interesting day i must say,when i woke this morning i thought where the hell has all that snow appeared from,and then my second thought was,i have a victim today who i will be kidnapping.
Now anyone who does Kidnaps knows that they has to be transport involved and its hard to drive when there is snow on the ground,and in Yorkshire we get lots of snow.
Cut along storie short,the snow melted a little by the time i set of,and it was quite a fresh day,i met with Mistress Miya,whom i will say,doe snot play no more,but from time to time,she will indulge in a little torment with me.
So it was of to find the victim,i knew where he would be,so now it was a case of grabbing him,restraining him and bundling him into the boot,which is always a few head turners lol,i just give them a quick wink,and drive away,always makes me smile.
So target is in my eyes view,i tell Mistress Miya to walk down past him,whilst i creep around behind him,then with one swoop,i had him dropped to his knees,and in a lock from around his neck,his eyes was covered,and the Mistress Miya came and placed the cuffs around his wrists.
Once secure he was told not to speak,and just do as i say,i then took him and threw him in the boot,and of i went.
He was held in the holding cell,and only told bits and bats,but nothing about why he was there,and what was wanted of him,he was tormented, mentally and physically,he was interrogated,and i had him read out the note that was to go out to his close family and friends…..THE RANSOM…..,i recorded it voice only,and i have it,i will be letting you all listen,so when it goes up,you will be given the address where it is.
So Scotland tomorrow is now cancelled,i have decided to cancel,as the weather put me of,and the long drive,plus i have so much to do,i should of really gone but i am not,so thats it,and when Mistress makes up her mind,you will never change it.
I will be available tomorrow,but as it stands right now,i have subs to confirm,so you could be out of luck.
New Clip OTK and Face Slappin,also for those of you with a glove fetish,Mistress Dressed in all Red ………
Good Night All,and God-bless Athena xoxox
Huddersfield Mistress Athena Leeds Mistress Athena