I want to treat you as a Queen

Good Morning all my Loyal and Humble slaves/subs followers,

Last night Mistress had to drink camomile tea just to relax myself as i have been on quite a hectic schedule which is not un normal,but i needed to get some rest and go to bed earlier than normal as when i have finished writing this blog,i shall be on the M62 to Manchester to play with slave tez,and as i had not left the chambers until gone 10pm again,i thought it best to try sleep earlier than my normal sleep pattern that can be anything up until the wee hours,and it did help alot.

I will be back in the Huddersfield Chambers this afternoon but have no availability this evening,tomorrow I have no availability during the day but have some in the evening,and Sunday i will be filming.

I would like to thank Mr Unknown for my new sandals,they will look great on my holiday.

So my slave who i have known a very long time but for one reason or another we have not seen each other in a while,where there is a will there is a way and he made sure he got the chance to come and see me,but this playtime was based on a very verbal play as we played on such a high level before it is very much needed for him to come back into the fold gently,which is what happened,and this slave of mine is very much ruled by my verbal tongue.

His words I want to treat you like a Queen,well I am a queen infact every woman is a Queen,it just so happens that I am his and he will be made to eat those words as he is made to worship at my feet.

I would like to thank him for my gift,that he presented me with as he knows I have just made a purchase of something that will  cost quite a lot,but its one of my passions and its part of who i am.

I am still asking for you all to sponsor me with the RaceForLife here is the link,i also have a paper version for those of you that do not want to do it on line,you may sponsor when you see me,your choice.


Clips gone live are

Brutal BallBusting MP4 Featuring Mistress Real

The Lady Uses your Mouth Human Ashtray

Miss Powers Punishes with the Birch Full Film

The Dangerous Lady MP4


Mistress Athena UK DOMINATRIX