Good Afternoon all,
Huddersfield Mistress Athena has been preping and getting all my things together for my shoot.
Its been along time coming, This I know as I was ment to have one a while ago, but as you al no Mistress has other things to attend to, Like you lot and keeping you in check.
I have also been bought a amazing camera so this will be what the shoot is being done with, no Professional Photographer this time, no back drops, the pictures will be taken in places of my choosing, they will not be altered and airbrushed they are Mistress laid bare, well not literally haha, but it will show Mistress in her true wonderful light.
My site will be staying the same, however the pictures will be on here on different pages, it will be getting a mini face lift shall we say, colour scheme changing also, but that will be it.
The shoot and site I am hoping will be up and ready to see bonfire night.
Mistress will be filming more of the things that I used to as the law that came into play is not worth the paper its printed on now and its been changed again horra , and I can now get back to making brilliant films, not that the ones I make at the moment are not.
I am not available this weekend as I am away until Sunday evening, I am however back in Huddersfield and playing as usual from Monday morning, infact I am in very early with a sub Monday Morning so I will have availability for the rest of that day.
Call or email Huddersfield Mistress
The new release to my Members Area is
Face Slapping from the Equestrian Boss
New Releases to my Clip Store are
Basic Boot Bitch Part 1 and 2
Swallow my Butt Human Ashtray
Caning was the Punishment Part 1
Huddersfield Mistress