Good Morning All,
Its early doors again and i wanted to get this blog written before my hectic day starts,looking at what I have infront of me its as always all systems go just the way i like it,it keeps my mind motivated and always brimming with new ideas.
Before i get side tracked with my antics,i would just like to tell you all I will be on webcam this evening from 7.30 until well when ever i decide I have had enough of playing with you all.
I can be found here on this link
You may also email me for details of how to skype with me,this is another option i have.
So my antic Breaking in the Horse , for slave Trembler as we are approaching 3 years of his slavery to me.
It will be his 3 year anniversary of the day he was collared and owned by me very soon and I decided that if he had learnt what he needed,and was the slave i had taught him to be then i would show him of to one of my Mistress friends.
So he had to be put threw some tests to see if i thought he was ready.
Strapping,CP,Nipple Play,Sensory Tests,Foot Worship,plus other little things.
He was made to indulge in areas that we have only touched on before and that him himself knew that it was crucial that he came threw them.
Listening,well this is a big factor for me,being a very verbal Mistress any one who has been infront of me knows,that I may say something and then far far down the line come back to it and ask you to repeat what i had said,and more often than not they can not tell me,which leads to a punishment,now I wanted as i always do him to take in everything that is happening,and this he did,i taught him well.
The heels of my boots against the wooden floor,he was completely senseless but he had to listen for them steps and then made to answer questions.
It was a very intense playtime and well it all lied on whether he would be paraded infront of my Friend,and realise that he had come far and that i was proud enough of him and pleased with his progress if not it ment stripping him back to the bone again and starting then 3 years all over.
So that’s the reason for the title Breaking in the Horse,they have to respect you on the ground first before they will respect you on there back,and the slave in question had to respect the Mistress I am,before he could respect me as his Mistress,and if there is no respect then there is no going forward.
He was given full Mistress points and i must say he is to get the ultimate and be shown of like a proud slave.
Thank you also for my new skirt its great and the flowers lilly s my favourite.
Clips that have gone live are Smothering & Breath Play & Human Ashtray Public Humiliation
My holiday for this year is now booked so if you would like to gift me i would really appreciate anything i put on Amazon that has to do with holiday ie; sunglasses,costume,sandals,bikinis
I am available in either Leeds or Huddersfield Chambers 07990761324
Mistress Athena xoxox