Back to Normal in Yorkshire

Good Morning,

Back to Normal in Yorkshire

Well its been a very hectic month, with touring and having things planned for my Birthday, then my Birthday, getting my new site ready for its launch, but know I am back and will be playing in the as normal.

I have no tour dates at present, but coming to the back end of September I will be touring London for 2 days, I have lots of you wanting to see me in London so I will be making arrangements for play down there, keep checking my tour page.

I am now available from 10am until late each day you may call me on 07990761324.


I want to thank all of you that showed your admiration, either via email, tex and gifts for my Birthday,, it never goes un noticed and I am a very lucky girl, all my new gifts that have been purchased from y wish list will be up on my gift page.

I shall be picking up my new latex from very soon, made to measure outfits, so my Photo shoot will be happening in August something more for you all to look forward to.

Mistress had a great Birthday lots of laughter with the Family.

Clips that are live are below

Mistress Athena 07990761324