A Blog with Alot…….

The Tranny Pod

Slave M Ball Abuse

Slave M ball Abuse

My Cruel new Toy

My new clip human ashtray

Human Ashtray Clip

Good evening all,

Well this blog will be based on all different things,and the first one is some exciting news…..LADIES DAY LADIES DAY LADIES DAY…………
Ladies day is a day that will be held at the end of may,the date is yet unknown but if you check back at my blog tomorrow it will be up,it is for CDS,TVS,AND SISSYS,and will be held at the Leeds Chambers Of Depravation,in the new sissy boudoir,i will upload a picture of the boudoir tonight,but they will be alot of pictures uploaded tomorrow.
Mistress Davina has spent alot and has transformed this place into a a ladies dream,and it has not come cheap,there has been no expense spared and now it is time to show it of.
They will be a all sorts going on and it will be advertised all-over,so its not one to be missed what so ever.

I am also uploading two pictures from my ball abuse session in Leeds on Sunday morning with slave M,he sent the pictures over earlier today,the session as i said before was amazing as it always is,i like to get the most from my slaves,and push the boundaries,and take them where they never thought they could go,its an art and i bloody love it.

I have a new toy,which i will also put a picture up of,from my slave Dai,its very naughty and cruel,just what Mistress likes.

I have three emails from my slaves at the weekend and i will share a piece with you from every one………
I feel I can achieve anything, the power you posses is amazing and you, you are fantastic. It has taken me a while to find you on here but you are always worth it.

Thank you for allowing me to partake in one of the best afternoons ever and you in those outfits……..AMAZING!!! That catsuit is a work of art and then when you are in it…… Well that’s me lost for words……the catsuit is beautiful and the only way to make it look better is to put you in it……WOW!
That one is from Slave real time toy………….

Thankyou for an unforgettable Sunday, Mistress – I’ll be walking around with a big smile on my face for days now 🙂
That is a part from Slave Willing………….

Im home safe and sound Mistress,and thanks for another incredible experience,your shots at my balls today were pinpoint precision Mistress.It was a brilliant experience. And I know I was a very fortunate slave to be given such a wonderful opportunity.
That was from Slave Dai email.

So i always aim to do the best and be the best that i can be,i take my Slaves and nurture them and make the best from them,its what a Mistress is all about.

My new clip is Burned Tongue Human Ashtray Fantastic Clip,http://www.clips4sale.com/store/32643
Follow me on twitter at @mistressathena2
Join me on fetlife at https://fetlife.com/users/1293313
And one more thing i will have a new blog up later about my Slave CP BOB,i have been in Manchester this evening with Slave tez,so its time for a cuppa,and a sit down,before i am back on here and writing my second blog of the evening.Mistress Athena xoxo