14th december ..threw to 24th of december
26th of december threw to 31 of december
2nd of january till the end of never
I hope to see all my loyal subjects in my chambers before the xmas period has ended for your xmas sessions,and with your hands bearing gifts for your Mistress.
I also would like to see through my chamber doors the subs that call me regular and are just afraid to come,i do not bite only when provoked,you will wish you had entered the chamber and sessioned with me a hell of alot sooner.
I will be in the chambers all day tommorow,and i have subs to see,but i always have room for more,my mind is working over time constantley thinking of ideas for over the xmas period to amuse myself,so come in and amuse me,you never no you might end up earning yourselfs some Mistress points.
Its late now and i am very tierd so hope to see you tommorow or before xmas for my playtime or your punishments good night M.A.