But he did however earn Mistress points because of the diamond earings he purchased for me for valentines day,wow stunning to say the least.
I will put a picture up from our session today for all to see.
I am moving home this weekend but that does not mean i will not be sessioning and in the chambers as i have slaves to do the hard work for me,the lifting and so fourth,i am moving into a bigger house for more space,i have resided at my property for 15 years so its quite a sad time,but it is still mine and i will be doing renovations on it.So the reason i am letting you all no this is because,i hjave had to move the internet and phone line,which means untill it is fitted in my new property i will not be blooging as much,i will however blog from my blackberry phone but i will not be uploading pictures.
Last and final thing i hope to see you all in the chambers from now through till eterninty haha M.A.