Good Evening,all my loyal Slaves and Followers,
Well Mistress has been busy as a bee up and down the M1,Thursday i had a new slave in,hence the un-named slave title,he was at the chambers for several hours and it was his first session with me,so the session was based around slave training,and seeing what use if any i could possibly have for this new slave.
It was quite an intense session and i was learning him,how one should act and conduct themselves in my presence,every Mistress is different so when in front of me,it has to be done my way,and i am a very strict and demanding Mistress,and i always aim for perfection,and want 150% from my slaves.
He was put threw different tasks,and by the time the end of play had arrived,i had decided to add him to my stable of slaves and learn him the way to total submission.
Straight after the session it was into the car and onto the M1 for my trip to London,i had slave Leprechaun with me,as he was filming in London and attending club Pedestal with me,i also had a friend with me,and was meeting another friend in London.
It was straight to the hotel,for some much needed rest,and what a hotel,i met a few celebrities that evening good fun,the next morning it was round to Femme Fatale Films for a shoot,which was great,Mistress Elesie De Lacey is alot of fun,always smiling,so i got the filming finished and it was back on the road to the other side of London to pick up one of my friends.
Then the night time came and it was of to club Pedestal,and wow what a night,it was great fun,all tho i never got involved with any play,i did watch alot,the equipment was great and so was the people and the Mistresses,i bumped into a few people that i know,and i was greeted by alot that i did not know,but knew me,and that said alot,i will be attending Club Pedestal again very soon.
Mistress arrived back in her home town today,and was supposed to be sessioning straight away in Manchester,but the journey took it out of me,so i had to cancel,i am in the Leeds Chambers tomorrow early morning start for a few hours,then its filming for the rest of the day with Mistress Kitty Bliss.
I am available Monday day,but not evening as i have sessions arranged,so i will be available for the rest of the week,from the 31/04/2012.
The ones who have been calling and speaking to my house boy about a session,i no it gets frustrating for you not getting to see me,but Mistress gets very busy at times,so all i can say is to keep trying.
New clip is Human Ashtray
Good Night and God bless Mistress Athena xoxox
Huddersfield Mistress Leeds Mistress
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