Trems Anniversary

Good Morning all you wonderful followers,

This week has been as it always is full of fun and kink.


I went to the Manchester Opera House on Wednesday evening to see Sally Morgan the Psychic,i have seen her before a few years back and enjoyed it so i decided to go again,and well yet again another great night.

Its been an interesting week with my stable of slaves and then having new slaves now enter the fold which i always enjoy…

I have had to turn a few of you away this week due to having so much on,but i know you understood that i am a busy Mistress and I also had other things that needed to be done this week,I am playing in the chambers this evening and then i will be back on Monday the 29th April in either Huddersfield/Leeds Chambers call on 07990761324 for playtimes.

Trembler’s anniversary


Every year myself Mistress Athena and slave trembler mark the day of our first playtime together,and he always comes with gift in hand,this year some earrings in three different golds.

We have played for so long together that the playtimes are always fantastic as there is a trust there that can not never be broken,and so limits are always pushed and as are hard limits.

Trembler got to feel the sjambok for the first time and to feel what this 4foot beauty can do,i was very excited knowing that on his arrival we was going to take the playtime up a notch or two and we did and it was wonderful to see how far he had come and how much he could take,he did his Mistress proud.

Bastinado can be very painful on the soles of your feet,but after training him for so long and playing in this area many times he did very well and took what his Mistress gave him.

So here is to another year of growing for him.


Here is my link to my wish list i have added some yard boots

Clips live are

Swallow what i give you,even if its LIT HUMAN ASHTRAY

Fat Fuck Punishment and Humiliation PART 2

Punishment for the Privileged Caning

Mistress Athena

UK Dominatrix 07990761324