
Well first of let me start with me pressing the wrong buttons all the time because i type so bloody fast and then never go back to look,then realise when i am back on the blog for some reason i have not put the correct word in lol.

Also i was bought a beutiful chain today of my sub trembler,the reason well there should never be a reason to treat me,but it was because he got me extreamly angry last time i saw him,which lead him to be orderd to do 2000 lines for me,which he did,so when he brought them to me today he brought me the chain,which got him a couple of mistress points as it was lush.

The lines on the other hand i ripped them up peice by peice and made him pick them up with his teeth and put them in the bin,it just showed him that i can do what i wish when i wish,and all the hard work hed put forward didnt mean a dam thing.

We followed on to have a very entertaining session with the humbler lol,and he did recieve his collor back but he did so earn it,so i had a present bought,and he got givin his collor back,well at least as long as he stays in my good books M.A. 07990761324