Trembler Got Punished

Good morning i am going to tell you about yesterdays antics,and thats what they was antics.
Trembler came in for his punnshment as regular as clockwork,but before we started the session he decided he needed to tell me something,now i do have to give him mistress points for being honest but what he told me got me quite annoyed so i new the punnishment would be quite sevear.

I started the session with a few slaps to the face quite hard so as to let him no that it wasnt going to be a light session,i was pulling his hair and stearnly telling him in his ear what he had done had got him in to alot of trouble.

I then procceded to retrain him useing the leather restraints that attach around the neck,and put the arms behind his back,so he had no freedom only with his legs,i then caned his nipples and made hhim stand on his feet and spread his legs,this is when i started to kick him in his balls first with my heels on then with bare feet,he screamed out an droped,but i didnt stop i carried on untill i thought it was enough.

I then put him out of the chamber for a few seconds so that he didnt throw up in the chamber as i no he felt that way lol.

I then took him an attached him to my rack face down,strapped him down an the started to punnish him with every differnt implement i own and i could see the beads of sweat on his forhead as he watched me hopelessly threw the mirrors,he was moaning in pain,so i gagged him i dont want to listen to him when i am having such a good time.

I caned his feet then let him up,he was told to hold his hand out were i then caned them,and he was bent over were i caned his behind,i had taken his collor away from him,and told him that unless he impresses me on his next visit he will not be getting it back,he was then sent from the chambers an i felt alot better for the punnishment i had just administrated M.A.