Transformation of Tina the Tart

Good evening loyal and humble followers,
As each and every one of you know that have crossed my path whether that maybe in session or just in the same vicinity as me,you all know i do not suffer fools at all,i can see through everything so much i even wonder if i have some hidden abilities lol.

So when my new puppet came into play today and started rambling about what they would like[in consultation that is because i never top from the bottom,or switch know not I],i could get just about as much sense as talking to my 4 month old pooch,but i know what he ment maybe it’s because ive been in the scene over 10 years now, maybe, but either way i knew,and i knew that i had an eager tart on my hands and her new name would be Tina.

The stories of Tina will come through day by day i just love to have you there waiting and anticipating just what went on.

I also had elder in for a cp session and my right arm ached for him to come through the chamber doors and it ached just as much when he left haha.

The phone is buzzing now a lot of you are realising that i will be in the chambers of Depravation on a evening,so to avoid disappointment not for me for you call on 07990761324 M.A.

I would also like to send Slave21 good luck for his test tomorrow,and SlaveTrembler get well soon message

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