Total Submission

Good Morning,

Mistress is back with her not so weekly news page, haha

As always Mistress enjoys bringing you into her playtimes or her daily on goings.


As you all would have read over previous posts, my sub Gina left for what was going to be forever, after not feeling like this was for her, but after a year + of being away, She decided that she would rather be in Mistresses company more than anywhere else, and so she returned.

Gina put to me last time that she would like to add a middle name and so we decided on Gina Elise, which she loves.

She is having a new name tag made and this will not be added to her slave collar, instead she will carry this inside her pocket where ever she is, Knowing then that she is in Mistresses control at all times.

Gina Elise spent quite a while recently learning how to be the perfect slave, and training her was so much fun.

We went through all the basics as you MUST always start from the beginning or you will soon find out that the bricks will start to fall in the foundation, If there is anything that has been not learnt.

Remember The Basics.


Gina Elise is know well on her way to Total Submission and her slave training is well under way.

I would like to say thank you to Gina Elise for my new sunglasses.


I also had the pleasure of Filming with my favourite Filming Company  As always it is a bely roll of laughs and we shot some great footage.

The films will be appearing on Femme Fatal and also on my site.

If you are not a Member of my Member site then you truly do not know what you are missing, Brilliant Films Featuring Brilliant Mistresses.

There is also new films added to my Clip Store including: Boot Worship, Slave Training, Caning, CP,School Scenarios, Equestrian Scenarios, Humiliation plus much more.

Mistress Athena is available in Huddersfield you may call or email, deposits can be taken via Debit or Credit Card NOW.

Mistress Athena Huddersfield West Yorkshire