The Officer & The Prisoner…….

Good Evening to all,

Mistress has been quite busy all day,starting the morning of with a trip to the nail bar,to get my talon’s tended to and painted,then it was of for a little retail therapy with Slave T,he purchased some holiday wear for me,bikini’s and beach wear,lovely things.

Then it was of to the Chambers to attend to a Prisoner who had been locked in the Jail cell,for bad behaviour,he was sentenced to quite along time in the cell,and when he was brought out he was reprimanded with verbal and physical abuse,sentenced to OTK spanking,then a Caning,they was alot went on through out,but as i have said many times before this information will never be divulged,Mistress/Slave Policy.

Mistress did however purchase some heavy duty leg irons,and chain belt with handcuffs,fantastic piece of kit,happy with that.

Now i do need to bring up,its been brought to my attention tonight via email,that someone is using a fake profile of me in chat rooms,i have profiles,but unless it is by email to my email address, ,or by blog or telephone,you must be careful as,I DO NOT USE CHAT ROOMS, i do have profiles on Mistress sites,where i do upload photos,or replie to things with a thank you,but i do not get into conversations in chat rooms,nor will i ever,The only person i long to be is Myself,if someone longs to be me also,i am flattered but really get your own life.

I am now not available tomorrow as the day has now been filled,i am available on Friday,but not Saturday or Sunday.

Mistress has uploaded a new clip this evening Human Ashtray,dressed in my Burlesque Attire,i will also add three pictures with this blog,one from my shoot,Mistress in Leather,and one from today’s Prison Sentencing.

Huddersfield Mistress Athena……Leeds Dominatrix