The 3rd 10……..

Good Morning,

This is the third and final ten of things you did not no about me…..

1,,,Peru,,,I have a fascination with Peru and the lost cities of the inca’s
2,,,Rebel,,I went through a rebel stage in my life when i was in my teens
3,, Grammar,,My Grammar and spelling are crap lol
4,,,Nanna,,,I lived with my grandma for most of my youth.
5,,,Diploma,,I went back to college and did three years in book-keeping/accounts
6,,Numbers,,,i am shit hot with numbers
7,,Spray Tans,,I have a spray machine and did a course on spray tans a few years ago
8,,,BDSM,,i love with a passion
9,,Rubber,,,Is my favourite to wear
10,,Animals,,,I am an animal lover

So i hope you all enjoyed my 30 things,it has give you a little insight,but i could go on and on,but there is not enough time and i don’t want you knowing everything,know do i.
New clip,,,Sadistic Thrashing,,,Single tail Whipping
Have a great day all,and be good…..Mistress Athena xoxox
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