Happy New Year and lets get ready for 2018

Good Evening all Well its been quite the year and now its time to say goodbye and welcome in a hopefully better new year I hope that 2018 has everything I am hoping for, and makes 2017 look like a distant memory. As much as 2017 has been ok, I… Read more“Happy New Year and lets get ready for 2018”

Huddersfield Mistress Athena

Good Afternoon, Huddersfield Mistress Athena which is of course Myself, all though I do tend to talk about myself as a 2nd person, for what reason I’m not sure, maybe its that ever changing personality I tend to have, or that I am  told I have, but anyway who knows… Read more“Huddersfield Mistress Athena”

Huddersfield Mistress allows a sneak peek

Good Evening all, Huddersfield Mistress allows a sneak peek Mistress will be in Huddersfield at her West Yorkshire chambers all of this week from 10am until late, you may call me on 07990761324 for playtimes www.yorkshiredungeon.com Mistress is now allowing you a sneak peek of just 2 of my outfits… Read more“Huddersfield Mistress allows a sneak peek”

Huddersfield Mistress plays on the edge

Good Morning all my wonderful subs/slaves followers and admires, Huddersfield Mistress plays on the edge Mistress has been in the www.yorkshiredungeon.com in Huddersfield playing with both the novice and the most seasoned players of late, both very rewarding as the novice is being taken into Mistress Athena’s world and being shown… Read more“Huddersfield Mistress plays on the edge”

Foot Slave is Sentenced

Good Morning all, Foot Slave is Sentenced Mistress was thinking about a picture news page today, but you al like to read a little of the goings on, so instead il just up-load some pictures with the news. Mistress is available from 10am until late in her Huddersfield Dungeon, West… Read more“Foot Slave is Sentenced”

Outdoor Play with Wrestler

Good Morning, Mistress will not be in the Dungeon today until later as I have decided to take a day of and go out for the day, I will however be in the Dungeon this evening online, I shall also be available for play on Sunday and then again from… Read more“Outdoor Play with Wrestler”