Good Morning,i have just left college and wanted to give you an update,if you would like to follow me on twitter then you can find the twitter icon on all my pages of my site.
Well i had a new slave to add to my ever-growing stable,and when we had finished our talk,the one i like to have that lets me know anything that i need to know,such as illnesses and phobias lol,i thought this should be fun he seems to be some what of a masochist.
When i led him down my lane of sadistic pleasures it was very clear to me that i will be able to push this one further and further and have great fun from our sessions.
I am not willing to tell anyone about the session untill i have him back in the chambers as i want to see if it will be the same the 2nd time around,or if he was just holding out wanting to impress me so as that i will allow him back.
I am available for sessions as from tomorrow i am booked today so if you would like to come in any time this week do not hesitate to call on 07990761324 MA.