Slave Nervous

Good evening,today i was in the leeds chambers and had a slave of mine in slave nervous,i really dont no why i gave him that name now,as he is certainly not nervous,abit anxious but not nervous,but what the hell the name is staying.

Nervous was a tad late after first getting lost,then getting his car stuck down a ditch,the finally falling flat on his backside and hurting his ancle,well if that wasnt enough he stilled had to face the wrath of me MistressAthena for moving to scotland and not informing me first,just leading me to belive he had dropped of the face of the earth.

His day was just about to get better by seeing me,then worse for not seeing me in such along time.

I new i was going to enjoy punnishing this little creting as i had not been in the chambers because of the xmas period,and becasue he deserved it,and i did not hold back not one little bit,i am not going to go into the full details of the session,but lets just say he new he had got Mistresses back up,from the punnishment he was given,but im not all bad i mean i can be very nice aswell,if you do right by me yoou will get rewards and this he surely did M.A.