Good evening all,well i have been one very busy Mistress,and i never got to attend the Brum Bizzare on sunday which i had planned due to the very bad weather conditions of the fog,Mistress was not happy,the only thing that cheered me up that day was having two very naughty school boys in class,and punished for there very bad attitudes.
So as i said i would bring you part 2 of slave idiots session,and as true to my word hear it is,once slave was released from the cage,i played with him some more,before putting him into rope bondage and getting the blunt razor i had and shaving of all his pubic hair,i need my subs skin baby soft and this is what i achieved.
He was then made to kneel in front of me whilst i proceeded to take this slave and change him physically into my new sissy iris.
Bra Panties,Skirt,Blouse, full makeup,and a brand new hair style.
I am finding it very difficult to write this blog as my pooch Miss Daisy Duke,is having one of her mad hours which she has every evening,running in circles and barking,so the stories must end here i am afraid.
I am busy all day tomorrow with subs and getting pampered so no availability,also i will not be available Wednesday i am having a full day filming shoot for the that will be wonderful for you all.
I am supposed to be attending a fetish club on friday,but the way my week is going that looks like i might have to miss,which will make me very upset again.
I have some pictures of my masochist slave that was took on out lengthy session on saturday,so i will put them up and write a b log with it over the next few days when i get a minute to myself,oh the joys of a Mistress.
HuddersfieldMistressAthena LeedsMistressAthena LondonMistressAthena