Good Morning
Yesterday i had slave hair in to the chambers,he got his name from looking like a monkey,covered in the stuff hair that is,it starts at his chest and does not stop,he really is a ball of hair,or should i say was a ball of hair.
I decided yesterday it was time to let things be seen on his body he probably has not seen fr quite some years,including that tiny penis of his,i mean no matter how small you would still like to no it exsists right,or maybe it was more for my pleasure and that i could get more freeley to somehing that needs punishing.
It took longer than normal,to me a shave takes a matter of ten minutes but it took quite a long time with hair,but the outcome was what Mistress had wanted,but i did however think to myself that i needed more access to his nipples,so just for that added extra,i decided to shave a ring from each one for my benifit.
I will be availlble all week,apart from tommorow,were i will be doing a kidnap and that has took most of the day up for me M.A. 07990761324