Slave Eager the follow up

Good Morning all,slaves followers puppets,

As said i a previous blog,that i would continue on about slave Eager hear it is,,,,,,

Now i have my slave strapped down in tight rope bondage,and cuffs attached to his wrists and ancles,i turn the wheel of the stretching wrack to have this slave streatched within a inch of his life.

Now with fear in his eyes and a nervouseness i could smell,i verbally abused him,and teased hard and then soft his nipples with my long talons,i needed him to know there was no escaping me and for him to realsie,his searching for the perfect Mistress for him had arrived.

I looked at this midget infront of me,and called it him also to degrade him that little bit more, when i had finished playing with him,i released him to the floor,where i stood over this pathetic creature and took more pleasure in telling him what i could do and what i would do if he was to not play by my rules.

Lie down on the floor i orderd the fear in his eyes looked alarming,but worth it,so i strapped his ancles to the suspension and hoisted him up in an upsiode down position,from there it was time for the cat of nine tails to take great pleasure in leaving marks over his skin,i pushed him back and forth and lashed him over and over again,i mean this slave is knew to me,and one has to realsie pain and pleasure works hand in hand.

I then lowerd him down so his back was arched on the floor but his legs still up in the air,and i took great pleasure in trampling all over him,the power i had the feeling was emense.

Now as i always say,i never tell the full session,so if you would like to know more then come and visit me,i am in the huddersfield chambers today,but as yet have a free day tomorrow.

I will be availlable in Huddersfield Chambers all next week,from the 14th of november onwards,and also at the Leeds Chamber Of Depravation by appointment only.

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