Well well what a experience I had today nothing amazes me anymore.
I had a very sureal interesting morning with a new sub of mine,who happens to be in a wheel chair.
When he came to the chamber of deprivation this morning he had the look of fright when he was greeted by myself an madam firefly,she was there just to help me in with him,but after a lot of giggles by both of us,he was petrified of what would be,but to cut along storie short he couldn’t get in the chamber for the steps,so I laughed as it was a long drive back to wales.
I then set of to huddersfield when I was half way back he called to say he had just passred me and if her could come with me,I said yes as he had drove so far,I took him to a park and all I can say is he went home looking different to the way he came hence the title M.A. Leedsmistress