Good Evening all Mistress was recovering from the hangover from hell yesterday,as i do not drink like i used to when i do the hangovers are so bloody bad,but today i am back to my normal self,so for those of you that called yesterday and got no answer,do call back i had a barrage of missed calls.
Sensual domination,ah yes i can be sensual very sensual,i can make you submit with my eyes,and that’s what i did to my new puppet ,who had travelled over just to see me. He was not into heavy domination and liked his Mistress to be alluring and sensual and that’s what he got,topping from the bottom i did not and would never,but listening to my subs brief is what i do,and then putting my Mistress twist on things,which is always 100% satisfaction on both parts,we will be playing again very soon.
Apart from the new puppet i was playing with slave Masochist and slave Blk,which i wil tell you about if i get the time, I will upload a picture from the night at Club Pedestal with this blog.
I also said i will tell you all about the voyeur and that i will with my next up-date. So VALENTINES is on the horizon 10 days from now,my wish list is up-dated and you just have to click the Amazon button,pick me a present and they send it to me,its that simple. You will of also notice i have put up a Holiday Fund button,this is for Mistresses break this year. Clips that have gone live is Breath Play & Salpped the F**K up Face Slapping So Mistress has stopped smoking,its my third attempt so fingers crossed,i will however still smoke on smoking clips.
This week i will have a new gallery up from all the pictures that i have had done over the last few months. Also for some un-known reason i had my adult work profile pulled,im thinking well i Know its down to jealousy,never mind its been sorted out now with AdultWork and my profile is back up.
Mistress Athena
Available in Leeds & Huddersfield 07990761324
Leeds Mistress
Huddersfield Mistress