Relaxing Time

Good Mornng,Mistress has been taking some time out and enjoying the heat well the past heat lol,and spending some well deserved time with family and close freinds laughing and discussing things,you see lifes a funny thing it has a way of changing direction in ones life,so hence the reason for no blogs for a few days.

At the moment is of today i will be busy for the next 48 hours getting this members site up to scratch,there is so much to do on it,i thought it would of been done,but i would not want to disapoint my followers and them that love to catch a glimpse of me in action.

So because of this and one thing and another and a problem with that bloody new car of mine,i will be sessioning out of my huddersfield chambers.

I had some really strong good words of wisdom said to me on sunday from a very close friend of mine,and they made me think and it opened up something inside of me,i like to think of myself as a deep thinker but this what they said was even deeper than that,and touched me alot,i am seeing them again today when they pop to my filming session for a coffie,maybe they might open another part of me i never new exsisted we shall see lol.

So i will try to fit sessions in inbetween filmiming you will just have to call and see,but i will however be availlable over the bank holiday weekend and then as usuall,late night sessions are still 100% there as i love nothing less than to play in the dark with the light of the moon M.A. 07990761324 MISTRESSATHENA