Good evening all,loyal subs and followers of myself the one and only Infamous Mistress Athena.
Today has been a very rewarding day,as it has held me back having to get everything ready for todays photo shoot,and deal with naughty subs in between,but i can quite honestly say it was an amazing day,the shots i wanted was done and look fantastic,i have been sent over a couple of shots from the photographer i will up load a sneak peek,but you will not get the rest untill my site is revamped,it will be ready in the next few weeks,early december.
I just want to say a thankyou to MaidMarcie and SlaveCowell for their time spent on the shoot today,also to Steve Satin the photographer and also to Caroline from for making me my amazing latex dress.
I can now site down and put my feet up,and get my house back in order,and back to being in the chambers more than before.
I am on a outcall in the morning,then i am in the chambers in Huddersfield in the afternoon,i only have a small hole in the evening so if you would like to come through then do not hesitate to call on 07990761324.
HuddersfieldMistressAthena LeedsMistressAthena LondonMistressAthena