Penny Got Caught

Good Morning all,i have let you wait for a few days untill i let you know the outcome of when i bumped into Penny and dragged her little arse of to the chambers for some well deserved if not earned punishment.

Now Penny as i said got caught by i in the wrong attire,now this is not what i had planned for her,so as you can imagine i was very angry to say the least,so she was locked up for quite a while,untill i decided how i intended on punishing her,i know it’s sometimes daunting when one is stripped from what they have always known and turned into a sissy whore and made from male to female,but this is what i wanted and i always get what i want.

So after a lengthy thought process i went into the black hole where Penny was locked up and told her why she was in this predicament[for not following my rules]and what was about to happen to her,she knew from my tone it was a no win situation she was in,and that it was time she succumbed to the destiny i have made for her.

She was released from the holding cell and once i had her seated the transformation began once more,and i took great care to applie the lavish make up across her face,taking care of each blemish as i am a perfectionist and i love to see the transformation i create,unfold before my eyes.

Now you will have to keep checking for what happens next,i am a busy Mistress and have things to do,before i set of to the chambers for some twisted fun.

I have uploaded two pictures for you all,one is nappyboy and the other is my masochist man.

Watch out for my new sissy/slut whore crossdressing boudoir page that will be added to my site,i want to play with the filthysluts so much. is undergoing some changes at the moment,its still there but when the switch is flicked at this end it will be worth the wait.

HuddersfieldMistressAthena LeedsMistressAthena LondonMistressAthena