I would just like to say thankyou to all my fantastic subs,who sent and gave in person my amazing gifts for my birthday,I had a wonderful time M.A
5 days and counting
Well the time has come again its my birthday 13th of july,its a reminder but also to those of you that have already blessed me with gifts and cards thanks you M.A.
As always Mistress like to kee ones self in great shape thats why i am at the moment swimming and at keep fit 3 times a week only the bset for my subs,also i passed my exams that i was taking and now have a diploma thanks M.A.
Banner Exchange
This is a blog to all the webmasters that are contacting me over banner exchange,my new reevamped site goes live this week,but i have also had an advanced bit added were i can put the banners up and change and rearange my site myself,so if you care to bear with… Read more“Banner Exchange”
Good evening belive it or not i have been trying to write a blog for 2 days,i have a laptop that has alot of pictures saved on it,some of which i wanted to post on hear for you all,but its been doin all kinds of crap lol,but finally its let… Read more“LapTop”
The Month Of July
Good evening well the site is goin live yes it is live next week new pictures,and also it is my birthday month the 13th of july so being forwarned,is essential so that you all dont laNnd your selfs in hot water with me. I hope to see you all coming… Read more“The Month Of July”
Its so hot out there,but may i remind you its even hotter in my chamber,not only for me clad in rubber,but for you pathetic little losers that get to be allowed across my threshold. I no you all use the heat as the reason that you are sweatimg,but we all… Read more“Sessions”
Site Site Site
Good news Mistress-Athena site goes live on 4th of july did you hear 4th of july american independnce day.
Good day my followers well i suspect maybe half or alot more of you are getting ready for the england match. If you was a member of my group before it closed i had the england strip on 4 years ago at the last world cup. Well im just letting… Read more“Chambers”
The Beuty Of Nettles
I had so much fun over monday an tuesday of this week plating with nettles. I can not still quite understand why they would feel so differnt when being stung on the ancles or the genitle area,not that i have been stung,but the feed back i get is amazing. I… Read more“The Beuty Of Nettles”