Outdoor Session

Good evening,another late night blog,this may i say is due to me not getting back from the Leeds Chambers Of Depravation untill half an hour ago.

I was over there in session and was Mistress Davina,and i did have to laugh i was rolling in fits of giggles,as i got in the way of the bloody bull whip,and it whiped me right at the top of the leg,hurt it did,but it still wont help me to sympathise with anyone of my slaves that find themselves in trouble with me.

I was in Huddersfield today however enjoying the nice day we had,but i enjoyed it more as i was in an outdoor session with one of my little puppets,it was great fun,and pictures to prove,the only problem is he has the pictures,il see if i can get them by email,fingers crossed.

I was at the hairdressers [said i was busy this week and i will be busy until Friday evening]well my hair is a lighter shade of blonde now,and i am loving it,i have a photo shoot coming up as i have new rubber that needs to be shown to the world,so this is when you lucky slaves will see my lighter shade of blonde.

As i stated earlier i am busy tomorrow all day and evening,the same again on Thursday and Friday,the weekend is the only time i have free this week.

I have uploaded a film and its title is ….Miss Powers Slaps one Pathetic Face