Late yesterday evening i decided that it would be good fun to use some more of my skills on one of my pets,i decided it would be fun to spray tan him,as i also am a fully qualified to do spray tans i new it would not harm him,all though i did not want him to look great i wanted him to look as silly as i could.
Because of his transparant skin colour,i knew that by putting the darkest colour i had on him would turnhim orange,and to do a few coats would make him bright orange,so after setting up my equipment and standing him fully naked,i started to applie the tan,one coat led to two then tree then finally four,i could see just what he would end up like and i began to giggle at the thought,as it would last a whole week or more.
I kept him over night and then in the morning he was told to shower,when he finally came into the cafe i had told him to meet me at to buy me breakfast,all i could see was this round orange blob,as he had short sleeve shirt on and shorts,i broke down into a fit of laughter,which made the whole of the cafe laugh,it was so funny to see,the poor blob is back at work tommorow how he will explain this to his co workers is beyond me,but total humilliation and just because i wanted to,and he the blob will do anything i ask of him.
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