Old Piggy New Piggy Old Piggy

Good evening my humble slaves,

I have had a quite up and down day due to the lack of nicotine in my body,as some of you will no i have stopped smoking,its been nearly three weeks and all tho i do not want a cigarette,i am getting quite a little temper at times,it only lasts a few minutes.

Well my piggy,i had this piggy quite sometime ago,the piggy purchased me lots of things and then decided that this isn’t the way forward for him,but well what can one say,he’s back my piggy has come back begging for another try,i have allowed him back but on one condition i get the full use of his bank cards,and hey well i have them.

He has just purchased me some new equipment for the chambers and a new side unit for my home,this is just the start he will have to learn the hard way for leaving and then begging to come back.

I have two pictures from my members site footage for you all that’s all you’re getting but it is from a film i made,which is on my members site at www.athenasrealm.net so if you would like to see it then become a member simple.

I have had two cancellations for tomorrow so i am free during the day up untill 6pm,then i am being whisked of to the theatre by a long-standing client of mine and then back to the chambers after for a late session.

HuddersfieldMistressAthena LeedsMistressAthena YorkshireMistressAthena InfamousMistressAthena

Www.mistressabduction.com www.athenasrealm.net