Good evening all,
I am just finding it hard at the moment to get a few minutes out of my busy day to get on hear and write you all a blog,i was up till 2am this morning and then back up at 10 to 6am this morning,Mistress never sleeps.
I also would like to say every time i get chance to look at my phone,there it is another 10 missed calls,all i can say is keep trying,i will answer or my male reception will so please do not hang up on him,and for those of you i have turned away over the last few days,i will get to see you if i think you are worthy of my time.
So on that note,i have no availability tomorrow,i will be sessioning,from morning and right through untill 9pm,and friday is the sam during the day,but have space in the evening,saturday is the same again with some free time in the evening,and sunday i am away for the day,so if you want friday or saturday evening then do call.
I have purchased some knew toys,well new thicker needles,and some amazing masks and hoods for my photo shoot this coming week,cannot wait to use them.
I will hopefully get the time to write about some of the tomorrows sessions,so keep them beady little eyes this way.
I hope you are all enjoying the new hours of footage on and the new concept of the site.
HuddersfieldMistressAthena LeedsMistressAthena LondonMistressAthena